Tag Archive: yin and yang


Who is She? She is strong, intuitive, beautiful, innocent, experienced, wise, understanding, loving, affectionate, seductive, confident, sexual, intelligent… these are her powers.

As women, we hold certain powers and intuitions different than the men we share this beautiful earth with. When we restrict ourselves or suppress what makes us shine, smothering our own fire, we create more problems on Mother Earth, as well as in our own lives.

It’s clear today that a shift is being made in how women are viewed, understood and cherished. It is because of this shift, that I am writing this now, and have started my own journey towards getting to know my Goddess self as well as my true potential. However, when an old mindset is changed, or changing, it can be hard to release because of how much resistance these beliefs have been creating.

In every woman lies the sacred ingredients of creation, necessary for regeneration and rebirth. Without the full energies and presence of the Feminine, nothing could be born. The world, right now buried by masculine consciousness, needs the love and attention of the Divine Feminine spirit. In our spirits, we hold the secrets and wisdom in bringing the world’s soul back to being balanced and thriving.

Divine Feminine energy is comprised of qualities such as love, understanding, compassion, nurturing, and empathy with others. It has been mistaken that these qualities are in a sense, weaker than the qualities naturally given to men. This is not true as living our authentic lives, and being a natural woman, is the most empowering action we could take. Too many women, in this age of men, have succumbed to the masculine energy and adopted it as their own, not realizing they are preventing themselves from reaching their highest potential and connection. Each man and woman, hold a delicate balance of yin (f) and yang (m) energy. Being conscious of how much each one is being fed will ensure that you are fully connected to your spirit and that you live the Goddess life you are meant to experience.

A balanced and healthy world is one where men are free to be men, and women free to be women. What a powerful place we would be living in if each person focused more on their personal journey’s and potential. With that said let’s start with ourselves and move outwards, we are no help to anything if we are not helping and embracing ourselves. Allow yourself to express your love and affection for life. Live in full connection.


-Love and Peace, J.

 Let’s face it ladies, we are still living in a “man’s world.” I say   this because we live in a world mostly ran by masculine traits, as we have for a while now… tick tock, where is the balance? I like to refer to how the Chinese have expressed it as, “Yin(f) and Yang(m), we can see easily with this symbol how delicate this balance really is.

 The beauty of these opposites is that they attract each other,      much like magnets. When both the masculine and feminine qualities harmonize, the experience is pure and ultimate magic. To harmonize our energies, we need to first begin to understand the roles of each, and that neither or holds more importance over the other. 

I found a diagram that clearly depicts the qualities of each sex:

Female/Yin: intuitive, collaborative, multi-tasking, emotional, passionate, empathetic, creative, receptive, allows for “flow.”

Male/Yang: analytical, competitive, singular, rational, determined, linear, logical, objective, assertive, goal-directed.

History hasn’t been too kind to women, in many areas of the world, women are still thought of as a lesser people than men, if we are thought of people at all. During WWII, women jumped in the workplaces, replacing the men who had gone to defend their countries. To many women, this was empowering, and had started a shift to a world of greater equality. Since then, women have zoomed up to the top of companies, have equaled men in entrepreneurship, and have fought to reach higher and higher positions every year. Women are on the rise to making more and more money and this means financial freedom; something every women used to depend on a man for. 

Let’s just go ahead and give us a “yeaaaaa girl!”

How did women accomplish this? By using their masculine traits, and suppressing their feminine ones. It is not “appropriate” in most work places to be emotional, intuitive, or even creative. Because of this, now, more than ever, we need to express and embrace our femininity, and not get lost in the masculine rat race.We are losing ourselves, and what makes us Goddesses.

We know we won’t get where we want to be using only feminine, or only masculine qualities, we need to use both. The greatest success comes from a healthy balance. We know this to be true in relationships, what we eat, even our outfits we pick out everyday has a “balance!” 

We come as a package-deal… we have a mind, hot body, heart, soul and spirit. To worship all of our parts, we need to embellish in our thoughts, feelings, sexuality, needs and wants. Don’t be afraid at what you may find! There is nothing scary about the female expression. We can’t expect our friends and partner to understand and cherish us, if we can’t first do that for ourselves. 

-love and peace, J.