Let’s face it, sometimes it can be hard to be all that we are capable of, especially  in situations that target our emotional state. In this world throughout all the chaotic experiences we have, it is important to focus on being our own source of light and positivity. It is too easy, as well as self-suffering to let others’ demands and emotions hold reign over our right to freely express, and be.

“No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy – unless you let him.” Napoleon Hill

I had a situation today which instilled major disappointment, sadness and betrayal. What this person chose to do, instantly made me feel undesirable, mistreated, disrespected, undervalued and taken advantage of. I could not separate my feelings from his choice because I had invested so deeply, enabling it to affect my whole morning and afternoon. One thing I knew, is this didn’t feel good. Having a long day ahead of me, I knew I needed to do something for myself and my well-being. How backwards it would have been if I let one circumstance, if I let another person’s bad decision, affect my whole day.

At first, I tried to meditate and still my mind. I laid down on my bed, trying to quiet all the negative thoughts that were doing circles in my head; needless to say, this did not work. Sometimes your mind isn’t meant to be quieted and left behind, certain thoughts needing to run its course. When I realized this wasn’t going to work, I got even more negative, depressed, and I started to feel very generic. I am grateful I am able to recognize self-limiting patterns, and not feed too much energy into them.

I began to think of everything that I had which was good in my life. I am grateful for my home, my freedom, my loving soul, my friends, my family, my cat… I thought to myself: “I am appreciative of me.” As soon as I took the time to recognize that, I felt a warm light up above my head, already having my eyes closed, I began to envision this light enshrouding my whole body, being and spirit. This light was warm, bright, accepting, but most of all, it warmed with pure love. Creating this light source around myself helped remind me that I was safe, I am healthy, I am beautiful, I am imperfectly perfect, and that I am not responsible for other people’s decisions. How someone decides to treat me does not depict how I should be treated or is in any relation to what I deserve to have. The only person who holds a valued opinion about who I am, is myself.

I took my power back. I went on with my day which happened to be an emotionally demanding one, and was able to stay leveled. We need to remember we always have a choice in how we react to certain things and how we express ourselves. We are spiritual beings capable to be conscious enough to switch our negatives to positive ones and to be in full charge of our own happiness. Which do you choose, living in light? Or darkness?

I choose light.

“Man’s power of choice enables him to think like an angel or a devil, a king or a slave. Whatever he chooses, mind will create and manifest.” – Frederick Bailes

-love and peace, J.