Tag Archive: free time

Lately I have come across a few articles, videos and speeches about apologizing.
Let me ask you something: how many times today have you said “I’m sorry”?
Really think about it.

For me, this started years ago… I recognized and heard myself countless times, apologizing for things that are of my human rights. I caught myself saying sorry, when I was really sorry for nothing at all!

Have you ever spoken your mind, and then apologized for it straight after? Not because you are sorry, but to most likely appease the other person’s feelings. How about that time where you  almost walked right into someone turning a corner, and both of you were quick to verbalize everything you are sorry for. Why are we sorry for having opinions, expressing ourselves, turning a corner…living!? Why have we begun to incorporate this phrase into our everyday activities and experiences?

There is something very small about apologizing when no apology is necessary, it is disempowering. Our words are ours to choose, and our words are how we portray ourselves. We are born with the freedom, and the service to say what we mean, and mean what we say. We are holding out on the world, if we are holding out on ourselves. The world doesn’t need “I am sorry”… she needs “I am.”

Powerful examples of “I am”:

1. I am honest with myself, and others.
2. I laugh when a stranger and I almost run into each other, it reminds me to take some time to slow down and appreciate fully.
3. I can tell someone news opposite of what they desire, without apologizing based on their feelings.
4. I am secure with myself to know when to apologize so I genuinely mean it.
5. I love myself so much, that I do not alter who or what I am.

Enjoying the sun

I personally have had it with the useless apologies. There is absolutely nothing sexy about it… agree?
It’s about time we all learn to just BE- without feeling guilty about it.

Peace and Love as always,


Trying to balance work, lunch dates, errands, cleaning, exercise, grocery shopping bla.. bla.. bla.. can make it seem almost impossible to have any left over time during the day for the most important person in your life…YOU!

When we spend most of our days running around, looking for more time, we miss out on what should be a HUGE part of our day: actually enjoying it! How often are you able to just stop, rest, breathe, appreciate, smile or drink that soy latte in peace? For most of us, it’s not often enough. In order to live healthy lives, think more clearly, and nourish our bodies, we need to take some time out for ourselves! I’m talking about calling in “sick” to work days, oh yes… to do absolutely nothing! What would you do if you had a day dedicated only to yourself this week? No errands allowed.

I usually spend most of my days off, as well as my evenings, just doing what I want to do. Sometimes it’s making tea and sitting on the balcony, maybe tackle a few chapters of my current read, sometimes I crave a walk somewhere, on certain long days it’s a nap, or even just sitting at home on the couch with a hot drink watching my wedding shows (guilty pleasure) feels amazing! Whether you are writing, reading, eating, sitting, watching tv, napping, walking, learning something new, catching up on your mani/pedi, getting that massage you’ve so badly needed.. you’re doing it for yourself.

Once you see the value in taking time out, you will never want to go without it again. You will wonder how you managed (I’m sure some of us are barely getting by) before, running such busy schedules without some “me downtime.” What serves you more: Sweeping the floors? Or having a nice hot lavender oil bath? One important thing to remember is don’t judge yourself. If all it is you want to do on a Friday night is order some Chinese, and curl up to a chic-flick, then do it! Be proud to be who you are, and part of that is listening to your desires. Sometimes my friends think I’m weird when I want to head down to the beach by myself, or take myself out to lunch; in my opinion they’re weird! What more important relationship is there than the one you have with yourself?!

Now I don’t know about you but I have a bottle of wine waiting for me…enjoy your “you” time!
I’d love to hear what it is you’re dying to do to cherish yourself more!

-love and peace, J.