Tag Archive: accomplishment

So about a month and a half ago I manifested myself a job that I wanted, or thought that I wanted, and while I learned just how powerful my intentions and manifestations can be, I also learned something even more valuable: the importance of staying true.

I’ve worked mostly in the service based industry throughout my working life thus far; the restaurant business to get a bit more exact. Being a vegetarian for pretty well all these years, and going vegan this last year, I’ve always had to make a sacrifice with the food I am serving, recommending (as in pretending to eat and enjoy), and surrounding myself with. I suppose it had never really bothered me, or I didn’t really think too deeply about it. I was used to being the odd one out and having to modify the crap out of everything I ordered. The place I have just started working at is a higher end restaurant, that prides themselves in the food they serve, which hey, I give them credit for and counts for something, as every other place I’ve worked at most of the staff gets sick of the food pretty fast.  But it was when I was cramming the menu in my brain, getting ready for my food test, when I realized, I don’t want any of this knowledge in my head.

Fast forward a bit… I can’t bring myself to enjoy working here. This job would be a means for me to make good money, but you know what? It’s just not worth the sacrifice. I feel like I am betraying who I am every time I go in for a shift, not to mention I’m required to wear heels for those 8 looooooong hours.


While the last few weeks have been tiring and only leaving me with achy feet, I am grateful for it all. What better way to realize the importance in how and what you spend your days doing? I have re-affirmed now that I am perfect as I am, and it is not only unnecessary, but unhealthy to try to force myself into a lifestyle and environment in which I don’t fit in.

I have a vision for myself and I am choosing today to stay true to that, keep my goals in sight, and to love the journey getting there . I am striving to be more impeccable with my word, so I will leave respectively and honestly. However, I have already begun manifesting new and more “me” opportunities. While it was never much of a concern of mine in the past, it is for me now to enjoy and love how I spend my days… and my work is naturally a large part of that.

It never feels good to lose alignment with yourself. It can cause you to feel heavy, depressed, confused, lonely and disconnected. At times I even had thoughts that there must be something wrong with me, and that I wasn’t cooperating as I should be. What nonsense! I could see that my progress and state was quickly spiraling, so I sat still, gave myself some love and positive feedback, and allowed myself to express. In a matter of minutes I had all the answers and solutions I needed. Amazing! I say “No!” to molding and doing internal “surgeries” on ourselves, and “Yes!” to some more self lovinnnnn’.

Love and Peace and Smiles,


What is success?

Webster’s dictionary defines it as this:
          Success: favorable or desired outcome; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence.

Ask anyone on the streets, and their answers will most likely vary. Each of us have our own personal ideas of what success is and what it looks like in our own lives. Whether it means making a lot of money, creating a loving family, finally finding “the one,” or achieving academically, success is undoubtedly: reaching a goal.

Who makes these goals? Why ourselves of course!
Who does the work to reach these goals? You got it.. we do.

Whatever success means to you, it is up to you to reach that point. One of my favourite quotes is from Earnie Larson when he said “If nothing changes, nothing changes.” How true and simple does it have to get for us to finally grasp this? We’ve all made excuses in regards to why we can’t make change happen “right now”… “it’s too hard/ takes too long/ there’s so much to do/ where I am isn’t all that bad/ I’m being selfish, there are people worse off than I am/ I don’t know how…” are all things I’m sure we’ve told ourselves as well as others a time or two; myself included.

Why set goals, aspire, dream, if all we are going to do with them is make excuses why we shoulda’, woulda’, coulda’?
Good Question.

It is, in almost every case, our very own self which prevents us from getting what we want and desire. No one is going to give you it, no one is going to do the work for you. Period.

You have two hands, a brain, a world of possibility, and knowledge right at your fingertips with whatever device you’re using to be reading this right now. What to do?

Create a Plan Of Action.

Take the time to clearly define, and write down your goals. Put in any ‘wants’ you may have, whether small or large and separate them into categories. Here is a quick draft for you:


Success: [your name]’s Plan of Action

Category: Career

Visualization: My ideal day would be waking up to the sunrise, without intrusive alarms, to my natural body’s rhythm, having the time and freedom to do my morning routine (add in routine). I work out of home, taking a handful of clients a week. I study psychology, have done the learning and research to now spend my time helping others reach their goals. I continue learning new things, and taking myself down my natural path. I live a day of progress, relaxation, and self-love. I make $10, 000 monthly.

What I Need:
1. Proper education
Steps: research schooling, books to read, register for school, _ years of learning…
2. Home office
Steps: create a space in your home, de-clutter, provide yourself with all the equipment needed…

What I Can Do Today:

  • Choose the little nook in my house (spare room, section of living space) to be my office and incorporate all the components that I will need for inspiration and progress!
  • Buy desk, comfortable chair, organization units
  • Research schools
    and more…

It is important for your goals to have fine-tuned details: How much $ do you want to be making? What kind of person do you want to attract? What kind of person do you want to be? What is your job title/description? Where do you want to live? What does your health and diet consist of? What are your skills? What kind of house do you live in?

Other Categories Can Be: Relationship, Health, Hobbies, $$, Friendships, Family, Knowledge/ Education, Home, Car, Material Things…. whatever you can think of!

The more detailed, the more likely you are to clearly envision your goals in your day to reach them.
Staying conscious of any hidden fears, or beliefs you may have will help you recognize where change needs to take place. Do not fear change, embrace it… the only way things can change, is if things do change.

-Love and Peace,

Learning To Live Fearlessly

There are two days in the week about which and upon which I never worry… Yesterday and Tomorrow.”
~Robert Jones Burdette

I want to start this off by asking: “how many of your worries and fears have actually taken place?” Most of our fears end up only happening in our heads, over and over, but never in reality. Does this seem as out of balance to you as it does me?

When it comes to my own life, I’ve been recognizing some of the fears I live out and believe subconsciously. A few times I have been able to see a hidden belief I’m living out, in turn creating it to happen. Having the ability to introspectively see myself clearly, I am able to shift my outlook in order to change my actions as well as the outcome. While there are many more ways to cut unhealthy fear from your life, here are a few that I personally find help me:

1. Think Positively. Ever heard of the saying “what you see is what you get?” well it’s the same with thinking. Thinking is envisioning something in our minds and whatever it is we envision sets the tone of what we are allowing to come into our lives. Do you want to make more money? Imagine making more money as something that is inevitable, instead of a slim possibility. In order for something to happen, we have to make it happen. Everything begins in our minds, which then vibrate out into the universe. Positive thoughts and reinforcement is invaluable in creating what we want to have and happen in our lives.

2. Have The Courage To Pursue. Courage is a key word when it comes to living fearlessly (or almost fearless anyway). Determine what it is you want to accomplish along with what kind of life you want to be living daily and then take action! Keeping fear in your mind and in your thoughts about who and what you are, is only helping you soak that fear up. Instead, focus on the fact that YOU hold all the power you need in succeeding. Believe in yourself and your capabilities; you might even surprise yourself!

3. Let Go. Worries? Who needs them? Letting go of all your limiting fear-based ideas and beliefs will not only help you feel incredibly lighter, but will also boost your mood and make room for positive, more confident thought patterns. Realize that it is not your responsibility to control every aspect of every situation, understanding that everything is as it should be. Let go of any expectations that were never fulfilled and move on! Staying in a place you know cannot change, is not self-serving, get out of there and create new outcomes with your new freedom.

4. Love Yourself. The first person we should give unconditional love to, is ourselves. If we don’t love ourselves, complete with our “mistakes”and “flaws”, how do we attract love and good things in our lives? Learning to accept who you are and loving your authentic self will help wash away a lot of fears you may not even know you had. Don’t let other people and your fears stop you from dancing to that beautiful song, stop you from taking risks, or stop you from speaking your mind. Whatever the outcome is, it is much better than limiting who you are, and who you can be. Loving yourself completely will prevent you from feeding into the worry if something does not work out as you hope. Results do not define who you are, you are defined by how you got there.

Fearful living takes a lot more energy than fearless living. At the end of the day, we just need to hold awareness of where we are sending our energy and focus. Once you start incorporating more of a fearless mindset, (if you haven’t already),  you will begin to experience life’s moments at a whole new level, one of lightness and enjoyment. Here’s to living on the lighter side!

-Love and Peace, J.

I have 4 words for you: “you are worth it.” As we should all know by now: output=input, especially regarding our efforts creating our own lives. Something clicked in my mind last week. I suddenly was hit with the realization that my life will only hold, what I create and put in for myself. In order to live the life I want, I have to be the person who get’s it.

In other words, that language isn’t going to teach itself, that certificate doesn’t get earned without the time, and that milestone isn’t going to be reached without our own personal investment. If you want something then invest and believe that you can accomplish it. You will succeed only if you take the time and effort to do so. Time passes, never to be attained again and before you know it, you are making another phony list of “My New Year’s Reso’s.” It is in our best interest and power, to use the time given to us appropriately to accomplish success, progress and growth.

“Apply yourself both now and in the next life. Without effort, you cannot be prosperous. Though the land be good, you cannot have an abundant crop without cultivation.” –Plato

Recognize when you think of a new goal, or an interest, and write it down. Bring this idea to action by committing yourself, to yourself! Be your own support and encouragement, and take the time to see in yourself how talented you are. Be impeccable with your intentions, and start to generate the results you aspire to have. Make a list of the steps you need to take, and what you can do today to be closer to what you desire. Getting those gears moving will take energy, effort, focus, competence, and patience… let’s do this.

Spending as many moments as you can improving yourself you’ll see that others, as well as yourself won’t be able to help but notice the changes happening in your life and aura. You will inspire those close to you to take the necessary steps in achieving their goals; by helping yourself, you end up helping others. Spend that money to go to school, work two jobs for a long-term gain, research and take out books about things that interest you, learn how to use that sewing machine, get up an hour early to obtain a sense of peace or to go for that run you’ve said over and over “you’d do tomorrow,” make that phone call, send that message, and spend that energy. A Goddess dreams of reaching her highest potential.

-love and peace, J.