Category: Creativity


Who is She? She is strong, intuitive, beautiful, innocent, experienced, wise, understanding, loving, affectionate, seductive, confident, sexual, intelligent… these are her powers.

As women, we hold certain powers and intuitions different than the men we share this beautiful earth with. When we restrict ourselves or suppress what makes us shine, smothering our own fire, we create more problems on Mother Earth, as well as in our own lives.

It’s clear today that a shift is being made in how women are viewed, understood and cherished. It is because of this shift, that I am writing this now, and have started my own journey towards getting to know my Goddess self as well as my true potential. However, when an old mindset is changed, or changing, it can be hard to release because of how much resistance these beliefs have been creating.

In every woman lies the sacred ingredients of creation, necessary for regeneration and rebirth. Without the full energies and presence of the Feminine, nothing could be born. The world, right now buried by masculine consciousness, needs the love and attention of the Divine Feminine spirit. In our spirits, we hold the secrets and wisdom in bringing the world’s soul back to being balanced and thriving.

Divine Feminine energy is comprised of qualities such as love, understanding, compassion, nurturing, and empathy with others. It has been mistaken that these qualities are in a sense, weaker than the qualities naturally given to men. This is not true as living our authentic lives, and being a natural woman, is the most empowering action we could take. Too many women, in this age of men, have succumbed to the masculine energy and adopted it as their own, not realizing they are preventing themselves from reaching their highest potential and connection. Each man and woman, hold a delicate balance of yin (f) and yang (m) energy. Being conscious of how much each one is being fed will ensure that you are fully connected to your spirit and that you live the Goddess life you are meant to experience.

A balanced and healthy world is one where men are free to be men, and women free to be women. What a powerful place we would be living in if each person focused more on their personal journey’s and potential. With that said let’s start with ourselves and move outwards, we are no help to anything if we are not helping and embracing ourselves. Allow yourself to express your love and affection for life. Live in full connection.


-Love and Peace, J.

Coffee Shop Pleasures


Before I even liked coffee, I loved coffee shops. What other place is there (that isn’t a dark bar), where you can feel social and connected to your community at the same time as being free to linger in your personal thoughts?

As I write this, I sit in a coffee shop about ten minutes from my home; a place I could see myself working in. It dawned on me how often I find myself in here and others like it. I began to wonder why? What is it about coffee shops?

1. There is something comforting about a steaming latte.
Your own intimate wide-rimmed ceramic cup is a little world of pleasure. Letting this hot coffee drink marinate though your body is one of the most, in my opinion, relaxing feelings you can find either after a long day, during, or before. Something about this drink allows me to boost my creativity and I notice it brings out more positive, clearer and deeper thoughts. It might be all in my head, but let’s focus on the end result…

2. There is something about the people and atmosphere.
The vibes I get from my fellow coffee drinkers is that we are all, or most of us are, of the like. Most are people taking a pause from their busy lives, taking a moment to catch up, read the paper, write or just to simply sit and ponder. Another “perk” that I need to point is that which we all know as something called “coffee shop music,” from Norah Jones to Bob Marley, to a nice saxophone. With the music, people, quiet conversations, that roasted coffee bean aroma, big comfy chairs, soft colours, we have no power against it. Coffee shops know exactly how to entice all of our senses!

3. There is something luxurious about spending $5-10 on a drink.
We’ve all heard about how much we can save in a year by just cutting out our morning coffee’s. But who actually does that? We know it’s expensive, and that we’d actually save money buying an espresso machine for home, but buying fancy coffee drinks makes us feel like we are doing something right in life. We love the glamorous life, even if it’s something we don’t really have. We know that the drinks and food are overpriced, but we focus more on the experience it gives us.

“Way too much coffee.  But if it weren’t for the coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever.”
                                                            -David Letterman

-Love and Peace, J.

I have 4 words for you: “you are worth it.” As we should all know by now: output=input, especially regarding our efforts creating our own lives. Something clicked in my mind last week. I suddenly was hit with the realization that my life will only hold, what I create and put in for myself. In order to live the life I want, I have to be the person who get’s it.

In other words, that language isn’t going to teach itself, that certificate doesn’t get earned without the time, and that milestone isn’t going to be reached without our own personal investment. If you want something then invest and believe that you can accomplish it. You will succeed only if you take the time and effort to do so. Time passes, never to be attained again and before you know it, you are making another phony list of “My New Year’s Reso’s.” It is in our best interest and power, to use the time given to us appropriately to accomplish success, progress and growth.

“Apply yourself both now and in the next life. Without effort, you cannot be prosperous. Though the land be good, you cannot have an abundant crop without cultivation.” –Plato

Recognize when you think of a new goal, or an interest, and write it down. Bring this idea to action by committing yourself, to yourself! Be your own support and encouragement, and take the time to see in yourself how talented you are. Be impeccable with your intentions, and start to generate the results you aspire to have. Make a list of the steps you need to take, and what you can do today to be closer to what you desire. Getting those gears moving will take energy, effort, focus, competence, and patience… let’s do this.

Spending as many moments as you can improving yourself you’ll see that others, as well as yourself won’t be able to help but notice the changes happening in your life and aura. You will inspire those close to you to take the necessary steps in achieving their goals; by helping yourself, you end up helping others. Spend that money to go to school, work two jobs for a long-term gain, research and take out books about things that interest you, learn how to use that sewing machine, get up an hour early to obtain a sense of peace or to go for that run you’ve said over and over “you’d do tomorrow,” make that phone call, send that message, and spend that energy. A Goddess dreams of reaching her highest potential.

-love and peace, J.

I spent the day reorganizing and “feng shui-ing” my workspace. I live in a small studio apartment, so naturally my desk is usually filled with the things that don’t quite have a place to go, which I find strange that there are always those things that don’t seem to “fit” anywhere. I have always been quite attuned to what energies my environments hold, and what that does to my state of mind, so it was clear I needed to do some creative work to where I will be needing my most inspiring thoughts.

Here are 5 steps to help feng shui your own space, whether it be your workplace, living room, bedroom, kitchen, office, bathroom.. anything that’s a room!



1. Set the stage. Before you do anything else, make sure to take away anything that doesn’t belong there or has a different energy of what you are trying to create. I have heard more than a few stories of couples who take out the tv in the bedroom, and then report to have exponentially better sex lives! Take time to bring in anything that will enhance the room/space as well, such as candles, positive notes, memorabilia.. have each item individually, and as a whole send the right message.

2. Add in a touch of Mother Nature. Greenery always livens up any space and brings oxygen to help us breathe more deeply. Bamboo plants are easily maintained and creates balance to that around it. If what you need more is a splash of colour, take a walk in your neighborhood and pick some fresh flowers. I like to have trees in the corners of my living space, to bring me back to my roots. Nature is very grounding and reminds us to keep things simple.

3. Personalize. Give everything an excuse for being there, display your books, photos, those rocks and shells you picked up from the beach, the poem you wrote, memoirs etc, anything that represents YOU. Give it a place! Items that do not represent you or your experiences should be tossed or donated! Keep in mind what kinds of associations you have towards it, before displaying.. are they positive and encouraging? Or negative and draining? Over-cluttering will not do you any good either… what does your oasis look like?

4. De-Clutter. This is a big one, if your things can’t breathe, you can’t breathe. Keep that close in mind! Think those messy drawers aren’t hurting anybody? Wrong! They’re hurting your universe and energy! The mere fact of you knowing where a mess is, prevents a clear and free mind. Physical clutter, is mental clutter. Surely, most of those things can move on to  another life/person right? In this step… be honest. If you find yourself compromising, really think about what you are compromising. A solution could be to have a “maybe” pile, and go through it all afterwards, only keeping what you need. In this case, minimal really is best.5.

5. Atmosphere. Essentially, this whole post is about atmosphere, but I’m talking about lamps, candles, incense, music (soft piano to head-banging), inspiring artwork, crystals, rocks, shells, colours, scents, let’s not forget about comfort! I tend to gravitate towards soft light, essential oils, lots of pillows and blankets, candles, affirmations… Really, just have things around you that make you feel good being there, that is what we are trying to create here after all! If you have never experienced or noticed different light sources, try experimenting using lamps instead of ceiling lights, we are very affected by how we absorb light, and what type of light it is.


Happy energy moving!

-love and peace, J.