First off, I want to welcome you here, and thank each and every one of you for taking time out of your lives to visit me! It is always a little strange for me to talk about myself, but I personally love reading more about my favourite writers and bloggers, so this is necessary if I want to connect on an intimate level with my readers and fellow Goddess sisters!

I refer to myself as a life lover as my day to day experiences never cease to amaze my mind and spirit. I have always naturally been introspective, and have felt at times growing up that I was somehow different than everyone else. In a sense this is true, as we are all unique, but fundamentally we are quite the same, as we are all on our own paths and searching through our own life’s discoveries.

I occupy my own mind a lot of the time, and sometimes over do it! I started this blog as a way to channel my beliefs, thoughts, and lessons into something positive for both myself, and other women. It is giving me a chance to express myself to the world, quite comfortably I might add, as I get to sit at my desk sipping tea or wine.

When I am free to be my beautiful unique self, I transcend into a higher place, and reach levels I never knew I was able to reach. The best part is, the only requirement is to stay being me! This is my journey, in writings, of the lessons and wisdom I will learn, in my quest to embrace my feminine spirit, and to stay true.

My vision is to have a continuance of growth using anything that helps me connect, it has lately taken the form of yoga, meditation, tarot reading, writing, walking, sex, colour therapy, affirmations, reading, friendships, and of course, personal experience.

The start of this year did not go as planned for me, I had gotten my heart broken and stepped on, for the second time over in this particular relationship. Instead of targeting the memories and emotions that brought me pain, I looked to the brighter side of my being and saw positive in this change of direction. Not to say I did not cry or hurt, and have days that I spent entirely in bed, I definitely did, it’s important to embrace the emotions you are meant to go through. However, this experience has really allowed me to change the things that may seem negative, into positve life lessons, that bring me closer to my inner Goddess strength.

I take pride that I live an animal cruelty-free lifestyle, as the creatures we share this beautiful Earth with are very close to my heart, and are beings which connect us closer to our Universe. I have just begun to reach a level of spirituality in my life, something I used to be very uncomfortable with, but makes me very excited now! As soon as I let myself be comfortable and open to something higher than myself, my life started to fall into place. I now know I am exactly, where I am meant to be in my life.

Please feel free and accepted here to share any stories or whatever it is you are going through at this time in your life! I love to connect with the feminine spirit; when women allow other women to soar, we get stronger as a power source for this Universe.

Cheers to our magnificent selves!

Love and Peace, Jasmine.