Terra Rubrae

By awakening the Divine Masculine, doesnt mean you are becoming mushy. Its about balance, the big strong protector and exposing the heart. Its coming from love. Learning to feel. Feeling so deeply within self and in your partner. Its about becoming in touch with your intuition. Be your partners pillar. Being true partners. Release all the OLD understandings. Be truthful to yourself and to others. There is so much more to share. Honor, respect and love. Its OK to be loving, physical, to love sex and to be open, but its a balance and not forced. Women should help their man flow and Men should help women to be steady! Its a beautifully enchanting dance. Take time to love each other deeply. Build each other up! Men, when you learn to fully open your heart, loving deeply and intuitively, to actually stand naked in front of your woman, you will…

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