She is made of earth
A fuel to fire
Part of that fire
She holds inside, and it burns.

Her fire embraces a life force
With wisdom and desire
The sparkle in her eyes
The understanding in her embrace

She walks along her path
Each one of us different
Sometimes she gets lost and
Struggles to find beauty within herself

The tears that flow
No one else sees
Held in private captivity
Each day a new beginning

Not locked in
But not quite free
She exists in a world
Obsessed with flaws and greed

Days have become personal battles
That line between too skinny
And too fat
Breasts too big, too flat

Our daughters don’t want “to be ugly”
Too scared to be themselves
Unique beauty is hard
Authenticity over-rated

A life where she thrives
A world that supports a girl
As she is, who she is
Is where I want to live.


Empower your feminine
She is your essence
She is your soul, your light
She is the solution of love

Love your face, love your feet
Taste your skin, watch it glow
Your breasts are life givers
Your energy needs to flow

Support your cause, your body
Be a ripple, please
Of change and balance
That our Mother Earth so badly needs.