What is success?

Webster’s dictionary defines it as this:
          Success: favorable or desired outcome; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence.

Ask anyone on the streets, and their answers will most likely vary. Each of us have our own personal ideas of what success is and what it looks like in our own lives. Whether it means making a lot of money, creating a loving family, finally finding “the one,” or achieving academically, success is undoubtedly: reaching a goal.

Who makes these goals? Why ourselves of course!
Who does the work to reach these goals? You got it.. we do.

Whatever success means to you, it is up to you to reach that point. One of my favourite quotes is from Earnie Larson when he said “If nothing changes, nothing changes.” How true and simple does it have to get for us to finally grasp this? We’ve all made excuses in regards to why we can’t make change happen “right now”… “it’s too hard/ takes too long/ there’s so much to do/ where I am isn’t all that bad/ I’m being selfish, there are people worse off than I am/ I don’t know how…” are all things I’m sure we’ve told ourselves as well as others a time or two; myself included.

Why set goals, aspire, dream, if all we are going to do with them is make excuses why we shoulda’, woulda’, coulda’?
Good Question.

It is, in almost every case, our very own self which prevents us from getting what we want and desire. No one is going to give you it, no one is going to do the work for you. Period.

You have two hands, a brain, a world of possibility, and knowledge right at your fingertips with whatever device you’re using to be reading this right now. What to do?

Create a Plan Of Action.

Take the time to clearly define, and write down your goals. Put in any ‘wants’ you may have, whether small or large and separate them into categories. Here is a quick draft for you:


Success: [your name]’s Plan of Action

Category: Career

Visualization: My ideal day would be waking up to the sunrise, without intrusive alarms, to my natural body’s rhythm, having the time and freedom to do my morning routine (add in routine). I work out of home, taking a handful of clients a week. I study psychology, have done the learning and research to now spend my time helping others reach their goals. I continue learning new things, and taking myself down my natural path. I live a day of progress, relaxation, and self-love. I make $10, 000 monthly.

What I Need:
1. Proper education
Steps: research schooling, books to read, register for school, _ years of learning…
2. Home office
Steps: create a space in your home, de-clutter, provide yourself with all the equipment needed…

What I Can Do Today:

  • Choose the little nook in my house (spare room, section of living space) to be my office and incorporate all the components that I will need for inspiration and progress!
  • Buy desk, comfortable chair, organization units
  • Research schools
    and more…

It is important for your goals to have fine-tuned details: How much $ do you want to be making? What kind of person do you want to attract? What kind of person do you want to be? What is your job title/description? Where do you want to live? What does your health and diet consist of? What are your skills? What kind of house do you live in?

Other Categories Can Be: Relationship, Health, Hobbies, $$, Friendships, Family, Knowledge/ Education, Home, Car, Material Things…. whatever you can think of!

The more detailed, the more likely you are to clearly envision your goals in your day to reach them.
Staying conscious of any hidden fears, or beliefs you may have will help you recognize where change needs to take place. Do not fear change, embrace it… the only way things can change, is if things do change.

-Love and Peace,