
Before I even liked coffee, I loved coffee shops. What other place is there (that isn’t a dark bar), where you can feel social and connected to your community at the same time as being free to linger in your personal thoughts?

As I write this, I sit in a coffee shop about ten minutes from my home; a place I could see myself working in. It dawned on me how often I find myself in here and others like it. I began to wonder why? What is it about coffee shops?

1. There is something comforting about a steaming latte.
Your own intimate wide-rimmed ceramic cup is a little world of pleasure. Letting this hot coffee drink marinate though your body is one of the most, in my opinion, relaxing feelings you can find either after a long day, during, or before. Something about this drink allows me to boost my creativity and I notice it brings out more positive, clearer and deeper thoughts. It might be all in my head, but let’s focus on the end result…

2. There is something about the people and atmosphere.
The vibes I get from my fellow coffee drinkers is that we are all, or most of us are, of the like. Most are people taking a pause from their busy lives, taking a moment to catch up, read the paper, write or just to simply sit and ponder. Another “perk” that I need to point is that which we all know as something called “coffee shop music,” from Norah Jones to Bob Marley, to a nice saxophone. With the music, people, quiet conversations, that roasted coffee bean aroma, big comfy chairs, soft colours, we have no power against it. Coffee shops know exactly how to entice all of our senses!

3. There is something luxurious about spending $5-10 on a drink.
We’ve all heard about how much we can save in a year by just cutting out our morning coffee’s. But who actually does that? We know it’s expensive, and that we’d actually save money buying an espresso machine for home, but buying fancy coffee drinks makes us feel like we are doing something right in life. We love the glamorous life, even if it’s something we don’t really have. We know that the drinks and food are overpriced, but we focus more on the experience it gives us.

“Way too much coffee.  But if it weren’t for the coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever.”
                                                            -David Letterman

-Love and Peace, J.