So instead of sitting here for another twenty minutes, trying to figure out the perfect first sentence to express the atmosphere of my blog, I am just going to get it over with. 

ahhhh…! Feels good not to worry about that one anymore! 

It’s 5am, and as I finally am able to write, I can also look up and see the blue sky with pinkish clouds beyond my windows… what a nice morning. So let’s get to the point of this post: I have started writing here, to track, record, and share my journey that I have begun to become the Goddess of Power and Beauty that I so long to be. 

There are a few steps that I have just created for myself, in an effort to live the life that I want:

  • become a yogi
  • practice meditation daily, privately and in groups
  • research and learn about tantric sex, and the power of connection
  • embrace my inner Goddess 
  • study and practice my tarot cards
  • learn how to make jewellery
  • learn about our Chakras and healing each one
  • explore crystal and stone healing
  • write more!

 yay go me….!

On a higher level than myself, 2012 is the year for women all around to embrace themselves as they are and to become everything capable to us in the positive senses… which is anything we want by the way! This is exactly why I have chosen NOW to make these changes in my life, and really start creating more awareness in what my tomorrow will be like, as well as what I will be like tomorrow. I see countless women, many being my female friends and family, struggling to be themselves and cherish what it means to actually “be a woman.” 

What does it mean to be a woman? That sounds like a fabulous question for my next post!

“If nothing changes, nothing changes.”

-love and peace, J.