I spent the day reorganizing and “feng shui-ing” my workspace. I live in a small studio apartment, so naturally my desk is usually filled with the things that don’t quite have a place to go, which I find strange that there are always those things that don’t seem to “fit” anywhere. I have always been quite attuned to what energies my environments hold, and what that does to my state of mind, so it was clear I needed to do some creative work to where I will be needing my most inspiring thoughts.

Here are 5 steps to help feng shui your own space, whether it be your workplace, living room, bedroom, kitchen, office, bathroom.. anything that’s a room!



1. Set the stage. Before you do anything else, make sure to take away anything that doesn’t belong there or has a different energy of what you are trying to create. I have heard more than a few stories of couples who take out the tv in the bedroom, and then report to have exponentially better sex lives! Take time to bring in anything that will enhance the room/space as well, such as candles, positive notes, memorabilia.. have each item individually, and as a whole send the right message.

2. Add in a touch of Mother Nature. Greenery always livens up any space and brings oxygen to help us breathe more deeply. Bamboo plants are easily maintained and creates balance to that around it. If what you need more is a splash of colour, take a walk in your neighborhood and pick some fresh flowers. I like to have trees in the corners of my living space, to bring me back to my roots. Nature is very grounding and reminds us to keep things simple.

3. Personalize. Give everything an excuse for being there, display your books, photos, those rocks and shells you picked up from the beach, the poem you wrote, memoirs etc, anything that represents YOU. Give it a place! Items that do not represent you or your experiences should be tossed or donated! Keep in mind what kinds of associations you have towards it, before displaying.. are they positive and encouraging? Or negative and draining? Over-cluttering will not do you any good either… what does your oasis look like?

4. De-Clutter. This is a big one, if your things can’t breathe, you can’t breathe. Keep that close in mind! Think those messy drawers aren’t hurting anybody? Wrong! They’re hurting your universe and energy! The mere fact of you knowing where a mess is, prevents a clear and free mind. Physical clutter, is mental clutter. Surely, most of those things can move on to  another life/person right? In this step… be honest. If you find yourself compromising, really think about what you are compromising. A solution could be to have a “maybe” pile, and go through it all afterwards, only keeping what you need. In this case, minimal really is best.5.

5. Atmosphere. Essentially, this whole post is about atmosphere, but I’m talking about lamps, candles, incense, music (soft piano to head-banging), inspiring artwork, crystals, rocks, shells, colours, scents, let’s not forget about comfort! I tend to gravitate towards soft light, essential oils, lots of pillows and blankets, candles, affirmations… Really, just have things around you that make you feel good being there, that is what we are trying to create here after all! If you have never experienced or noticed different light sources, try experimenting using lamps instead of ceiling lights, we are very affected by how we absorb light, and what type of light it is.


Happy energy moving!

-love and peace, J.